A most observant fact that is commonly seen in the adolescent age is teenagers tend to unsafe sex. This is just because they are involved in drug addiction. A majority of teens, especially boys are tempted towards the unsafe sex, just because of taking too much alcohol or other abusive drugs. So the drug addiction is the root cause of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Even though the birth rate is falling day by day and teenagers are being aware of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. Still, a significant number of teenager girls who get pregnant are swallowing drugs.

Changing relationships amongst the generations, changes in social norms, high expectations from the partners and delayed marriages have thrown teenagers into the hell of drug abuse and they are also getting indulged in multiple sex relations during their life period. The most important thing is, in the age of adolescence they feel a sense of being grown up personality. They want to look and behave mature. Hormonal changes are also the reason for this.

Usually girls in their teenage fall into prey to the clutches of drug abuse because of plenty of reasons and as they grow up as women, all the reasons which are responsible for making them fall should be considered during their rehab process in a special women's rehab centers.

Women should be sent to special womens rehab which not only helps in curing them from the drug addiction disease but also shows the way to improve them. The best way to treat the patient is to understand them and to take corrective actions to live their life again. Understanding does not mean to hear and agree whatever they say, but the need is to give them sufficient time and try to mend their ways.

Teen age drug rehab centers are proving a boon for the teenagers. The inclines in sexual urges they have after taking drugs is also controlled and so the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases can be lessen. Private and government both kind of teen age drug rehab centers are stepping towards the improvements of the society so can be a true gift for the teenage. Alcoholism is not taken seriously as a fatal abuse. That’s why teenage alcohol rehab centers are trying to make people aware about the dangers of the drug abuse problem. So in the crux the clear message we get from all the above content is teenage drug rehab and teenage alcohol rehab centers are trying to sort out the struggle between the generations.

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