What is this Addiction all about?
Whether it is a drug addiction or substance abuse, it is a kind of chronic, relapsing disease wherein the drug user tends to compulsively spend all her time in the search for and the consumption of an illegal drug. This type of addiction is often characterized by neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain; commonly drugs in the form of heroin, cocaine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or the consumption of alcohol, a frequently faced problem by women too.

Who is responsible for the addiction?
Although it is not so easy to pin down specific factors that give rise to the addiction in women, certain common factors can be the pressures on the family front, or many a times the social environment also becomes the cause thereby forcing the woman to succumb to alcoholism or the addiction to drugs, that seem to temporarily, enable her to face that gateway-to-heaven; an escape from the pressures, she is trying to run away from, at times knowingly, at other times, perhaps, unknowingly, not realizing the future consequences of the harm it might cause in the near future.

Spiritual path to Rehabilitation, a drugless therapy:
What is crucial, is once an addiction is identified, it is far better to think of the possible ways to get her to the appropriate rehab center. Undoubtedly, there are several are women's rehab centers these rehab centers usually centers away from the civilizations have a team of specialists, working 24x7. What is more important and a novelty today is steering the women drug rehab or the women alcohol rehab, to the spiritual road to recovery.

Adopting a drugless therapy:
What better way could there be than adopting the path of spirituality, on the road to recovery. Off late, there has been a lot of prevalence of spiritual based and faith based programs for an effective treatment of any kind of rehab for the addicts, whether in alcoholism or drug addiction.

Whenever the patient is brought here, whether she is labeled under women drug rehab or a women alcohol rehab, she is counseled as well as preached on the path of spirituality, as well as the guidelines based on religion, all efforts just to enable the affected one to come out of that addiction, and avoid the dependency. The road to recovery is extremely challenging, indeed its not so easy, the treatment first handles the problems that forced her to fall a prey to drugs or alcohol, take up the holistic path, thereby guiding them on the right path, realizing their inner strengths, that will motivate them to return to the path of sobriety.

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